Tag Archives: hot weather

More earthquakes during hot weather!! Take notice people

2 Oct

A while back I wrote about  hot weather and earthquakes  (see my Aug 7th, 2o12 post). Well, folks, guess what. Yes,  it has happened again! Am I the only one who finds this interesting? Surely, there must be more of you (yes, I know, you do, and don’t call you Shirley).  Well, even though I can’t prove it, I know it has to be true! I read an article last night that Southern California again last Sunday had more than 300 earthquakes! May we never just get used to them. We never just pay attention to the smaller ones, just those that kill people by the thousands, and millions. Yes, maybe this must be natures way to let off some steam. I have considered this. But, I still find it very interesting, as though, some great surprise is just lying around the corner! I hope for all of us that I am so wrong!! Stay cool!

By the way, the USGS received so many inquiries, that they were forced to put up a site asking, “did you feel it?”


Friday at last

10 Aug

Well, it’s finally Friday. We made it to the weekend. It’s still hot here in California. It’s in the 100’s. Still trying to stay cool in my apartment. I have the fan on and the window closed. Later, when it starts cooling down, I will open the window, and it makes a difference. My  son had to remind me to do that.

Stay cool people! See ya!

Hot weather again & Marco C. shoutout

9 Aug

Just woke up about an hour ago. But, it’s okay. I didn’t get to sleep until 3 a.m. Looking outside, it’s very beautiful, but, it’s going to be another hot day! It is currently 77 but it’s supposed to get up to 97 today. Going to be staying inside my apartment and trying to stay cool! If that doesn’t work, I’m going to get in my car, and drive to Easter Seals where I have swimming pool therapy and jump in the pool to cool off! Ha! Anyway, if your are kind enough to take a moment out of your busy schedule to read this, I a really appreciate it. A shout out to Marco C. who was one of my last readers to check out my blog. Thank you Marcos. I checked out your blog, and I like it as well.

Earthquake activity increasing

7 Aug

I spent the night looking up data on earthquakes. There were a surprising 27 quakes 6.0 or higher from Jan -April 2010 worldwide alone! Trying to figure out if there is any cor elation between hot  weather and earthquakes, or if this is just a myth. Couldn’t find anything conclusive. But then again, I can’t disprove that it happens, because it does. I used some graphs at usgs.gov and found that in California alone at 1 a.m. my time, there had been several small earthquakes that had just occured within the past hour. Let’s face it folks, our earth is getting older by the minute, and earthquakes are something we don’t necessarily like, but learn to endure.  We can only hope we get through the next large one where ever that might be. May it be a long time coming.

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