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United nations stop North Korea NOW page on Facebook

5 Apr

Korean Missiles

Korean Missiles (Photo credit: danielfoster437)

LeMay Cuban Missile Crisis

LeMay Cuban Missile Crisis (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hello faithful readers!  First of all, I want to welcome my friends, Karen Freeman Welch, and Norman Hall. They have become the newest followers of my blog, and I appreciate it. They and you, are helping me to obtain free books to read and review from publishers. The only catch is on one site that  you must have 30 regular followers. I believe that I am up to 21, so I need 9 more. Then I will receive the new books to read and review. So if you like what you read, tell your friends about it. Let them know that they can become followers by clicking on the button follow my blog on the lower right side of the page.

FACEBOOK PAGE “United Nations Stop North Korea NOW”

I don’t know about you, but I am currently keeping an eye on North Korea’s offensive military activities  If you have been watching the news, then you know that they have threatened both South Korea and the United States with impending war. They have  nuclear missiles that are aimed at, and can reach the East coast. President Obama is making sure that we have missiles that can intercept theirs, and destroy them before they ever reach our soil. They were admonished about the missiles and told not to build them, but they went ahead and did so anyway. How arrogant of their leader, Kim Jong Un.  For those of you on Facebook, I invite you to our page,  “United nations stop North Korea NOW”. You can read about the most recent developments, and even join the page if you would like to help support us. It doesn’t cost anything, but a few moments of your time. Don’t get caught off guard because you were not aware of what they are doing.  This is a very serious and real threat. Remember the Cuban missile crisis in 1962? President Kennedy was able to keep us from going into a nuclear war with Russia. For those of you younger readers, I encourage you to Google it, and read about the details.  I was 5 years old, but I still remember the worried look on my parents, teachers, and neighbor’s  faces, as they watched the television reports, convinced that we would be attacked at any moment. Fortunately, it never got that far. But, North Korea is causing a similar concern. Anyone who remembers this,  doesn’t want to go through that tension and worry again. I usually write about happier  and more upbeat things, but we must get the word out. We have been threatened and warned, and we just can’t sit around doing nothing, while waiting for war to start. I’m personally hoping that it doesn’t come to that. War is never the answer to any problem!



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